Sunday, April 08, 2007

the absurdity of two years of chemical toxification

I just read in Heather Havrilesky's latest Salon column that people who've been heavily drugged can't stop from blathering about it afterward. This was stated in reference to having had an epidural.

It's completely true and achingly astute.

How many times have I wondered how to explain to ppl that 2 1/2 years of chemotherapy isn't something that you put behind you, but is more like an unruly roommate that moved in and is immune to all forms of eviction, no matter how many notices you put up or the plethora of threatening letters your lawyer writes or the umpteen trips to your Member of Parliament you make to lobby for legislative change.

Chemotherapy has entered your life and opened up new forms of susceptibility and limitations that you never could have envisioned.


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