Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A list, B list, Your list, My list

I know that socially, I'm not on anyone's A list, B list, C list. I'm on the D list.

The D list is for disabled, dork, don't call them, don't pick up the phone when they call.
I know that friendships will not be initiated with me, or maintained by anyone other than me.

These are what my lists look like:

A list - you accept that I have disabilities but don't pity me for them. You find a place in your life for me where my dignity and self-respect isn't threatened and maligned. You pick up the phone to call me and see how I am once in a while.

B list - you accept my calls, but keep me in a niche and hide the rest of your life from me. You rarely call me. You occasionally try to tell me that you're not ignoring me.

C list - I've known you for a long time, and keep you in my life in case I'm desperate and alone.

D list - You're related to me and are incredibly childish. I keep you in my life so I can have contact with my history.


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